Hump Day Booty Move: Unilateral Suitcase Deadlift

This movement was in last month's lower body Lift program I ran at BFX. The reason I love it was the same reason the class loved it - yes, you're working your legs and glutes, but you feel your entire core from back to front in a way you've never felt it doing sit-ups or planks.

Add this movement into Leg Day, performing 8-12 reps for 3-4 sets. If you plan to do 3 sets, hold the weight in one hand half your reps, then finish out your set holding it in your left hand. If you're planning for 4 sets - you animal! - hold the weight in each hand for 2 entire sets.

Lift heavy to get the true benefit of this unilateral lift in your core! I'm using a 45lb. Kettlebell in the video, but my weight recommendations for people vary based on their strength and experience level. Just watch for these things to tell if the weight is too heavy: shoulders are not square and/or knees are knocking together. Your shoulders should be side by side; the arm holding the weight should not be pulled any lower than the other. Your feet and knees should be shoulder width apart through the entire movement. Holding this proper posture, you'll feel it through your back, around your ribs, and into your obliques and abs - score!

Try it, then tell me how much you love it on Instagram/Twitter @cassiebstrong #BStrong!

B Strong,

Cassie B.