B Strong Greatest HIITs 2017: Kettlebell Complex + Burpee Drill

DAY 12! This whole series took me over 2 minutes to complete a single round! Of course, I want to shave time off that, but I'm also happy to have so many muscle fibers functioning for such a length of time because it gets your body burning fat to the max!

***DISCLAIMER: Kettlebells are tricky AF! I HIGHLY recommend working 1 on 1 with myself or another trainer to master this movement pattern before attempting this drill. A potential back injury is NOT worth doing this today - wait until you've mastered a simple swing before moving on to this.***


Here's the series:
5 Kettlebell Cleans
10 Single Arm KB Swings
15 KB Figure 8's
Repeat on other side
10 Lateral Hops Over KB & Down to a Burpee
Rest 45-60 seconds.
Repeat from beginning for a total of 2-4 rounds.

[Kettlebell Clean]
- I bend my knees JUST enough to grab the handle, (my elbow is NOT bent), then, keeping my spine straight, I drive my feet into the floor and snap my hips up over my ankles as quickly and as hard as I can to give the KB the momentum to fly up off the ground. 
- My arm moves like I'm zipping up my jacket until the bell is headed toward my jaw, then I flip the bell over and rack it on my forearm. 
- Then, my arm controls the bell on the way down so that it doesn't jolt my shoulder & elbow joints.

[Kettlebell Single Arm Swing]
- Spine stays straight, always.
*** The key to a KB swing is understanding that the movement pattern of your hips dictates the movement pattern of the bell. If you want the bell to swing back to front, your hips must "swing" back to front. It's NOT a simple squatting motion. Letting your hips move up & down while trying to get the bell to move back to front WILL hurt your lower back.***
- When the bell swings back, your knees soften and your hips hinge, [butt sticks back but spine stays straight].
- To swing the bell forward, act like someone surprised you with a smack on the booty - snap your hips forward and squeeze those cheeks!
- Keep your neck long, lats engaged, & SQUEEZE THAT CORE!

[Kettlebell Figure 8's]
- When the bell swings back between your legs, your other hand is reaching back there to grab it.
- Moving your hips just like a kettlebell swing, and keeping your spine straight, snap your hips forward, squeeze your glutes super tight, and swing the bell up in front of your chest to catch the bell, [not the handle, the actual bell], with your other hand.
- When you catch the bell in front of your chest, you do not switch it over to the other hand. Let it go again, and that same hand is the one that reaches behind you to take the handle as it swings back between your legs.
- When you pass it to your left hand, drive through your left foot with power as you snap your hips forward to swing it up in front of your chest.
- When you pass it to your right hand, drive through your right foot with power as you snap your hips forward to swing it up in front of your chest.

[Lateral Hop + Burpee]
- Stay light on your feet!
- "Chest to the deck" for the push-up in the burpee!

Were you surprised how high your heart rate was before you even started the burpee drill?! Tell me how you faired on IG/TW/FB @cassiebstrong!

B Strong,

Cassie B.