B Strong, Build Stability: Stability Ball Shoulder & Core Burner

The stability ball should be a staple tool for those of you who generally workout at home and have a small budget for equipment - this thing is KILLER!

This exercise is fantastic for improving the stability of your shoulder joint and your core, while strengthening your chest, triceps, deltoids and abs. I'll warn you, it's not easy, so if you need to begin with just the walk & roll that's totally fine! You will definitely feel the burn in your shoulders & abs. Once you're feeling confident enough, add the push-up, and again, once you feel good about that, make it an atomic push-up... BOOM!

- Lay pelvis on stability ball w/ hands & toes resting on floor
- Squeeze glutes to lift straight legs up behind you & squeeze ankles together
- Engage lats by pulling shoulders away from your ears
- Walk hands forward so ball rolls down body until it's supporting your shins, (the farther down your legs you go, the harder it will be)
- Keep your glutes squeezed tight & abs pulled in tight to keep your pelvis and spine neutral
- Do a single push-up, pushing explosively on the way up as you crunch your knees into your chest
- Immediately extend legs back to plank w/ glutes & abs squeezed tight
- Keeping your body stiff as a board, walk your hands back toward the ball so that it rolls back up your body until it is supporting your pelvis

Perform 10-15 reps for 2-4 sets; 45-90sec rest between sets OR incorporate into a circuit of exercises.

How do those shoulders feel?! Tell me on FB/IG/TW @cassiebstrong!

B Strong,

Cassie B.