B Strong Greatest HIITs: [At Home] Triceps & Legs Workout

I love this series because it targets nearly every major muscle group, gets your heart rate up, and it doesn't take long to complete. Also, if you've got a bench or a chair that's 12-18 inches tall, you're set to go! [**Just be sure to prop it against a solid wall so it doesn't move!!**]

Here's the series:
A. 1 Tricep Dip + 2 Knee Crunches x 8-12 reps
B. Skip Up + Lunge Back + Switch Jump x 10 (5/side, alternating)
Alternate between A & B for 3-5 rounds, resting as little as possible between each exercise.

Notes on Form:
[Tricep Dip]
- Knees bent & feet flat is easier; legs straight & heels digging down is harder.
- Press your shoulders as far from your ears as possible.
- Maintain a straight spine by bracing your core.
[Knee Crunches]
- Squeeze your glutes to keep your hips lifted.
- Avoid letting hips drop back toward chair as you crunch your knees.
- Keep neck long & lats engaged.
[Skip Up + Reverse Lunge + Switch Jump]
- Step your entire foot onto the chair, then drive through your heel as you explode upward toward the ceiling.
- Step that same foot back to a reverse lunge.
- Be sure that the front & back foot in the lunge are holding equal weight before you jump.
- Drive off the heel of your front foot & the toes of the back foot as you explode upward to switch your stance.
- Land softly, with weight evenly distributed between each foot, & repeat from the top on the other side.

Which burned more - the tricep dips or the skip ups & lunges?! Tell me on FB/IG/TW @cassiebstrong!

B Strong,

Cassie B.