B Strong Greatest HIITs: [At Home] Arms & Legs Workout

Get ready for a serious BURN with this one! It doesn't look like much, but you'll feel it everywhere!! Grab a 12-18 inch high chair or bench, be sure to prop it against a wall so it doesn't move, and you're good to go! You can totally do the 1st movement on the floor, without your hands up on the chair, which will make it more challenging on your arms & core, just keep the chair nearby for the BULGARIANS!

Here's the series:
A. Tricep Pump Push-up + "Bunches of Crunches" (crunch the same knee across to opposite elbow, straight forward between elbows, then oblique crunch to the same elbow).
B. Alternating Bulgarian Split Squats & Hops (5 of each on each leg)
Alternate between movements A & B, with minimal rest between movements, until you've completed 3-5 rounds of each.

Notes on form:
[Tricep Pump Push-up]
- Hands directly under shoulders, aim your elbows back toward your hips and keep them pulled tight toward your ribcage - this is how you target your triceps.
- Once you reach the bottom of the push-up, do a pulse where you push-up only a few inches, then return to the bottom before pushing all the way back up to plank.
- Maintain a long neck, neutral spine, and tight abdominals.
[Bunches of Crunches]
- Each time you crunch your knee, brace your core as tight as you can.
- Each time you extend your leg back, do so until is straightens & squeeze your glute tight.
[Bulgarian Split Squat]
**The hop is 100% optional!**
- Place one foot on the chair or bench & keep your standing foot flat on the floor throughout the entire movement - the only time your heel should leave the floor is for the hop!
- Stand upright, without arching your back, pull your belly tight & tuck your back knee under your body as you lunge.
- Drive through the heel of your standing leg as you stand/hop.
- When you hop, land softly, bending your knee & keeping your chest upright as you land.

Grab a workout buddy and see who can finish all 3-5 rounds 1st! Who won?! Tell me on FB/IG/TW @cassiebstrong!

B Strong,

Cassie B.