B Strong Greatest HIITs: [At-Home] Planks & Plyos Drill

I love drills like this to burn out your body at the end of a workout. I also keep them in my back pocket for days I can't get to the gym and/or don't have any equipment available to me. In just 6-10 minutes, you can get your heart rate up, work every major muscle group AND get a good sweat going!

Here's your drill:
*1min/movement series x 3-5 rounds [no rest between movements]
A. Plank Series: 2 Low Plank Oblique Crunches; March to High Plank for 2 Cross Under Crunches; March Down to Low Plank & Repeat from beginning.
B. 2 Lunge Jacks + 2 Squat Jacks; repeat for full 60 seconds.

Notes on form:
[Plank Series]
- Engage lats, squeeze glutes, and tighten quads to maintain a straight spine & keep hips squared up with the floor.
- As you march up & down, avoid letting your hips twist so one drops closer to the floor!
[Lunge Jacks]
- Land softly, with upright posture, & in proper lunge position: front foot flat, back foot with heel lifted, and weight equally distributed between front & back foot.
- Drive through the heel of your front foot as you push off the toe of your back foot to jump your feet together.
[Squat Jack]
- Land softly, with upright posture, & in proper squat position: feet flat, loading the heels of each foot, hips hinged back behind you and knees bent at least 90 degrees.
- Drive through your heels as you jump your feet back together.

How many rounds were you able to power through?! Tell me on FB/IG/TW @cassiebstrong!

B Strong,

Cassie B.

B Strong, Build Stability: Gliding Hips, Thighs & Oblique Burner

Gliding is one of the best, (and most challenging!), ways to challenge your stability. You can turn the simplest movements into a a total body challenge that leaves you dripping sweat... just like this video does ;-) I'll love this combo, because it targets the muscles that stabilize your knee, (your abductors & adductors), and then stretches them out while you work your obliques!! If you know me, you know I value mobility just as much as I value strength, because having both is what makes you "fit" :-)

If you don't have a LYNX Board, you can use gliders, and if you don't have gliders, you can use hand towels on a smooth floor.

Here's the series:
A. Alternate between 1 gliding curtsy lunge & 1 squat jack (Perform 10 w/ 1 leg, then do 10 w/ the other)
B. Low Plank Sweeping Hip Abduction (Again, 10/side)
Resting as little as possible, alternate between A & B until you've completed 2-4 sets.

[Gliding Curtsy Lunge]
- Your back leg glides diagonally behind you as you bend both knees **equally** to 90 degree angles
- Keep your core tight and engage your glutes to actively tuck your pelvis so that it doesn't tilt forward (which could strain your hip flexor and arch your lower back)
- At the bottom of the lunge, your weight is in the heel of your front foot and only your toes of your back foot are on the glider
- Also, your back shin is parallel to the floor & your front knee shouldn't pass the tip of your toe
- As you stand, drive through your front heel and squeeze that glute
[Gliding Squat Jack]
***Make sure ONLY your toes are on the gliders. Your heels are your "break system"... if you can't stop yourself w/ your heels, you're looking at the possibility of doing a split!! OUCH***
- Slide both feet apart at the same time
- When your feet are the proper width for a squat, drop your heels ("put on the breaks") & bend your knees so you land in a squat
- Then drive both feet firmly into the ground as you straighten your legs, lift your heels and squeeze your legs together like you're zipping them up
- I find to get in a rhythm that I just leave my heels lifted when my feet come together
***Basically act like your trying to "jump" your feet to a squat & together without ever letting your toes leave the floor
[Gliding Low Plank Hip Abduction]
- Low Plank = on forearms with shoulders directly over elbows
- 1 foot is on a glider, the other on the floor
- The foot on the glider, w/ a straight leg, glides sideways and upwards as far as you can w/out your knee bending
- Squeeze your glutes together and pull your belly in tight to avoid letting your pelvis tilt forward and your lower back to arch - that's risky for your groin!!
- If you're adductor, (inner thigh), is tight, you'll get a bonus stretch here!

Doesn't get much better than Legs & Abs does it?! Tell me how you like it on FB/IG/TW @cassiebstrong!

B Strong,

Cassie B.

B Strong, Build Stability: TRX Core Stability Series

The TRX is an incredible tool for developing core and joint stability. If you find your balance and stability need improvement, or if you simply wish to recruit as many muscles as possible into your exercises, I highly recommend grabbing this tool.

These exercises focus on strengthening the muscles that stabilize your spine and protect your the muscles that stabilize your pelvis and shoulders, all while working your abs. This is not a beginner exercise! I recommend mastering a basic plank hold in the TRX before attempting a series like this so that you can ensure that you're engaging the proper muscles to keep your spine safe.

Here's the series:
- 1 Body Saw
- 1 Plank Jack
- 1 Dolphin Pike
- 1 Plank Jack
Completing all 4 movements = 1 rep.
Perform 5-10 reps at a time for 3-5 sets.
Rest 45-90sec between sets; or incorporate this as a station into a strength circuit!

***For all of these exercises, you're in Low Plank, (on your forearms), so be sure to press your entire forearm down, don't just balance on your elbows! Also, keep your hips at shoulder height - letting them drop lower will strain your lower back. Lastly, engage your lats by pulling your shoulders down away from your ears and keeping your neck long.***
[Plank Jack]
- Keep hips at shoulder height, lower abdominals pulled in ridiculously tight, and lats engaged.
- Knee caps face the floor. If you're opening your legs so wide that your knee caps start pointing out toward the walls, you could strain your groin... OUCH!
- Legs remain straight as they move apart and together.
[Body Saw]
- Squeeze your legs together and keep them straight the whole time!
- To begin, your shoulders are directly over your elbows, and your tricep creates a 90 degree angle with the floor.
- Press your forearms forward and down into the floor so that your shoulders move back behind your elbows, decreasing the angle your tricep is making with the floor.
- Your lats stay engaged - don't let your shoulders shrug toward your ears! Especially as you pull your shoulders back over your elbows.
[Dolphin Pike]
- Same as above, keep your legs straight and squeeze them together.
- Press your entire forearm down into the floor while pulling your shoulders toward your hips as hard as you can, suck your belly in tight as you lift your hips up overhead.
- Lower your hips back to shoulder height with as much control as possible.

How does this series make you feel? Excited for your next workout or a little anxious?! Tell me on FB/IG/TW @cassiebstrong!

B Strong,

Cassie B.

B Strong Greatest HIITs 2017: Landmine 1-Leg Hip Hinge to Row + Broad Jump Over Bar

DAY 18! This drill is a progression of the Landmine Reverse Lunge + Row video  I posted recently, meaning, if you're ready to step things up a notch, try this!

You'll strengthen your legs and back, challenge your core, and your heart rate will jump sky high by the end of this total body HIIT circuit using the landmine! Bar too heavy? Use a dumbbell! Bar too light? Throw a plate on there!

Here's the drill:
A. Landmine 1-Leg Hip Hinge to 1-Arm Row - 30sec
B. Same Thing, Other Side - 30sec
C. Broad Jump Over Bar + 180 Hop - 30sec
D. Rest - 30sec
Complete 3-5 rounds.

[Landmine 1-Leg Hip Hinge to Row]
- Holding the bar in your left hand, put your left toe on the floor behind you. This will give your body a heads up that you're only standing on your right leg.
- Squeezing your core and left glute tight and your shoulder blades together, lift your left leg behind you as you lower your chest toward the floor until your body makes a T shape.
- Perform a single row with your left arm, pulling your elbow back toward the ceiling.
- Drive through your right heel and continue to squeeze your shoulder blades, core and left glute as you lift back to your start position
- Repeat for 30sec
- Switch sides & repeat for 30sec rowing with right arm & lifting right leg back for the hip hinge.
[Broad Jump Over Bar + 180 Hop]
- Jump high enough so you don't trip on the bar!
- Land softly so your knees experience minimal impact.
- For 180 hop, jump and twist so you land facing the bar for another jump over the bar.

How did this feel in comparison to the Reverse Lunge + Row with Lateral Hops?! Tell me on IG/FB/TW @cassiebstrong!

B Strong,

Cassie B.

B Strong Greatest HIITs 2017: Twisting Wall Ball Agility Drill

Day 4!

Here's a FUN way to work your obliques, get your heart pumping & even develop coordination, power & reaction time!

With a powerful, twisting motion, slam the Dynamax into the wall, [I prefer this med ball b/c it's soft around the edges, which decreases damage to the wall & increases the challenge for you ;-)], let it bounce back into your arms, then shuffle away from the wall 3x. Shuffle back in toward the wall & use the momentum to slam it as hard as you can!

Perform movement for 45-90sec/side w/ 15-30sec rest. Rest between sides is optional.

Add this drill to a circuit to really amp up the burn in your legs, core and shoulders. For example: perform the Kettlebell series from Day 2 for 90 seconds, then perform this wall ball drill for 45 seconds per side, then rest for 30-60 seconds before repeating. Repeat for 3-5 rounds.

Note: the throwing motion with your body is more comparable to tossing a frisbee than a bball chest pass. **Be sure to pivot the foot, [lift the heel], that's farthest from the wall.

Did adding this drill to your workout AMP things up for you?! Tell me on IG/TW @cassiebstrong!

B Strong,

Cassie B.